vExpert 2010 & Virtualization Review’s How To Guy

by David Davis on June 14, 2010

Two big accomplishments that I just can’t keep to myself… vExpert 2010 and my new Virtualization Review article!

Honored to be a vExpert 2010

Last week I found out that I was awarded the 2010 edition of the VMware vExpert award. This is a HUGE honor and even more so because this award only goes to a few hundred people in the world. VMware’s King of Social Media (and vExpert creator) wrote an excellent post on the topic at VMware VMTN Blogs – vExpert Awards 2010. The vExpert 2009 award that I received for my work in 2008 helped me tremendously – both professional and personally. I applaud John (and fellow judges) for the hard work they must have put in to analyze all the applications to select the best candidates – keeping the program strong and respected. During 2010, I plan to continue to contribute to the VMware community by blogging here at, at, by creating VMware training for Train Signal (we have more Pro series courses on the way!), and by contributing however I can at conferences like VMworld 2010 and local VMUGs.


Did you see my new Virtualization Review article?

And, another great achievement in my book is that I received the latest edition of Virtualization Review Magazine and found my first ever printed magazine column, as you see below. In this column, I covered the VMware Labs website and their “Flings”. More specifically, I covered the VMware Guest Console (which I have a video on if you click on that hyperlink).

As my new column is called “The How To Guy” I will be covering, you guessed it, “How To” do something related to virtualization, primarily, what virtualization Admins need to know to get their job done – “How to configure XYZ”. So, I hope that you will stay tuned to Virtualization Review (a great magazine), read their bi-monthly edition, and look for “The How To Guy” (yes, that kind of looks like me but it’s not tremendously flattering)….

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

David Marshall 06.14.10 at 5:44 pm

David, big time congrats to you for both accomplishments! I was also fortunate and honored to receive the 2010 vExpert award… and I must say, you are well deserved my friend. Keep up the great work you are doing, you are everywhere and helping so many people. Your videos have been amazing, and your articles are equally educational and entertaining. Best of luck and continued success on the “How To” column, what a great idea!


David Davis 06.17.10 at 1:56 pm


I really appreciate your comments and congrats to you on being a vExpert 2010 as well! Keep up the great work over at InfoWorld and VMblog!

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