Getting Started with the New Free @HotLink SuperVISOR by @davidmdavis

by David Davis on February 4, 2013

I’ve been using HotLink SuperVISOR in my lab environment for some time. It’s really amazing how it allows you to manage, using vCenter, virtual machine running in Windows Hyper-V 2012 just as if they were vSphere virtual machines. Previously I thought the idea of using multi-hypervisor was a bad one but with HotLink, I can see how creating “tiered hypervisors” (just like you might do with your storage) becomes a good idea – offering potential cost savings. Additionally, I have used HotLink’s Hybrid Express which connects your vSphere virtual infrastructure to the public cloud and allows you to manage VMs running in public clouds just as you do your vSphere VMs.

When I heard that HotLink was releasing a free version of their SuperVISOR – I was excited! As you know, I love free virtualization tools and I was glad to create a video showing what it can do and how to get started using it to manage your Windows Hyper-V VMs, just as you do your vSphere VMs.

You can find out more information about the FREE HotLink SuperVISOR at — Enjoy the video and I welcome your comments below!

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